Rapid workplace testing is a must for COVID safety

By Published On: March 24th, 2021Tags: , ,

After a long, long year filled with uncertainty, the ongoing vaccination plan coupled with Boris Johnson’s roadmap out of lockdown makes it feel as though there’s finally an end in sight. While it’s exciting to see a sense of normality on the horizon, there’s still a great deal of risk to the British public. COVID-19 will continue to spread through communities, and who knows how effective these vaccines really are against COVID-19 variants? On top of this, people who have been vaccinated can still be carriers and superspreaders.

We aren’t saying this to create dramatic effect — we work with a lot of client-facing companies and know that one service provider will likely see dozens of tenants at close range every day. The risk of one employee becoming a superspreader is extremely high, which is a huge cause for concern.

To outline the worst-case scenario, let’s say that one of your employees catches the virus but doesn’t show any symptoms. Around 1 in 3 people who have COVID-19 are asymptomatic, so it’s likely that they won’t think to call in sick. This employee will see a few clients a day, and unknowingly infect an awful lot of people, even with precautions such as masks and keeping 2m apart. This outbreak could be traced back to your company. The combination of angry, ill, and isolated tenants creates a nightmare petri dish for bad blood and liability.

The last thing anyone wants to see is a company having to deal with the fallout of an outbreak, especially when it should be avoidable. Rapid COVID-19 testing is key to breaking the chain of transmission, keeping employees and clients safe, and mitigating your liability. Over the last few months, Fjeld Consulting has developed an easy-to-implement rapid testing solution — Testrak.

We know that the key for rapid testing to work in a business setting is speed, efficiency, and centralisation. Testrak provides all three. Testrak works alongside 15-minute antigen tests, which detect high levels of the virus and are effective in finding asymptomatic cases that are most likely to be transmissible. Admins simply upload test results via a mobile app, and emails are automatically sent to employees. This can be forwarded to clients for RAMS compliance, and the data is logged and reported within the company portal. Our system ensures that testing is handled internally and efficiently, skipping out on long queues at NHS testing centres and waiting days for replies. Clients can rest assured knowing that your employees won’t pose a risk to their health.

The UK government has been pushing integrating rapid testing into the workplace, and for good reason. There are endless positives to adopting rapid testing — you’re keeping your employees and clients safe, nipping outbreaks in the bud, and protecting yourself and your income against liability. Testrak is by far the most convenient way to take advantage of these benefits. Get in touch with us today to get started and protect your people, clients, and income.

About the Author: Dustin Fjeld

Dustin Fjeld
As founder member of Fjeld Consulting, Dustin has helped save clients thousands across a range of BTR, PBSA, PRS and Co-living portfolios.

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